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Archive for September, 2010

21 September, Skåne (South Sweden)

Posted by Frank van der Most on September 22, 2010

Today, the day is exactly as long as the day in Holland. After today, it will only get worse for a few months. I thought, in terms of winter weather, Holland is one of the worst places to live because of the combination of cold, wind and humidity. I ended up in a place where it is the same, except just a few degrees colder still and less sun hours a day. Skåne, the Sedish province where I live, is really showing its skills to produce autumn. Wind, rain, dropping temperatures, brown leaves and trees letting them go.

It is getting light around 6.15 when I am trying to wake up. Within a month, it will get light when I leave the house and within another, it will still be dark when I start working. My mood is dropping and I am bracing for more impact. This is just the start of autumn. Have to buy new gloves and a wake-up-light, find my rain gear, winter coat, long johns and hat. Stash some food somewhere, liquor and candles. Not to forget: piles of DVDs and a (girl)friend for some company on the couch.
Wish it were spring again.

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